Regina Caeli Clinic

We are on a mission to bring Catholic health care to New Hampshire!

At Regina Caeli Clinic, we believe that life is sacred from conception to natural death, we believe in seeing Jesus in every person, in the importance of rights of conscience, in every person’s inherent dignity endowed by the Creator, that every person has the need for time, connection, and medical education, that God is the true and Great Physician, and that your healthcare is meant to be so much more!

New Hampshire Communities

We can’t wait to serve you, our neighbor, with primary care, lifestyle medicine, prayer, massage, natural family planning, and naturopathic and alternative treatment options!

Quality Health Care rooted in the Catholic Faith.

We believe:

  • Life is sacred from conception to natural death
  • Seeing Jesus in every person
  • The importance of rights of conscience
  • In every person’s inherent dignity
  • In every person’s need for time, connection, and medical education
  • That God is the true and Great Physician
  • That your healthcare is meant to be so much more!